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The Dream Thief Page 5

  Kalena looked up into the night and followed the arc of the stars as they trailed across the sky. They looked so beautiful and distant, just like her Flight Commander.

  ‘By The One, it’s cold tonight,’ Kalena thought to her companion who rested with the other Hatar at the far end of their camp. They had found a large span of exposed rock and were now sprawled out over it, slowly absorbing the radiant heat.

  ‘You are welcome to spend the night under my wing. My feathers are nice and warm now,’ Adhamh offered.

  ‘I’ll decline your offer for the time being Adhamh,’ Kalena replied, her eyes still on the stars.

  ‘I see you’re hoping for a better one.’ He replied.

  Kalena let herself smile. ‘Maybe.’

  Warmth had slowly returned to her bones so Kalena stepped back from the fire and sat down on her Hatar saddle. Saddles belonging to Harada and the Wing Lieutenants circled the rest of the large fire. Some paces behind each saddle loomed the drab canvas of small tents. There was just enough room in them to stash your gear and sleep. And if you stood taller than Kalena, then you would have to duck to avoid scraping your head against the rough canvas roof.

  Through the flames, Kalena could see Lunman wrap a cloth about the handle of a cooking pot and then remove it from the coals. It was his turn to look after dinner and from the smell, it was stew yet again. Kalena grimaced. She was already heartily sick of stew and this was only their second night in camp. Lunman stood over the pot and gave it a final stir with a ladle.

  “Come and get it,” Lunman shouted as he spooned a ladle full of the stew into his wooden bowl. He then moved away to his own saddle to eat.

  Out of the darkness came the other Wing Lieutenants, their bowls already in hand and began to crowd around the blackened pot.

  The sound of the swish of canvas from behind Kalena made her turn her head to see Harada closing the entry flap of his tent. The Flight Commander then turned to face the fire and saw Kalena’s stare. Without saying a word he nodded to her and walked around the fire to the crowd around the cook pot.

  Kalena did not feel hungry but excited. Something important was going on and her curiosity burned within her to find out what it was.

  Vosloo had sent a messenger just before dusk to inform Harada and herself that the Captain would be joining them after dinner. Ever since Kalena received that message she had not left her place by the fire.

  Out of habit, Kalena reached down and picked up the wooden bowl that sat next to her saddle and began to slide it this way and that through her hands in an effort to focus her restless energy. She did not want to act the child in front of Harada and the Captain, something Kalena knew that she was prone to doing. But Kalena was a good warrior and leader and did not let her childish impulses affect her judgment.

  As Kalena’s mind focused on feeling the smooth wood slide through her fingers, she began to block out the smell of food and the movement of the surrounding people. Kalena’s eyes focused on the bronze color of the wood as it caught the firelight. She could feel the friction of the movement begin to warm her hands through the gloves.

  The flashes of color slowly began to merge together becoming brighter as her eyes began to lose focus. Then Kalena suddenly felt something shift in her mind and a small image began to appear amidst the bright color. As the image grew clearer, Kalena had to use all her will power to stop herself throwing the bowl away from her in fright.

  The image she saw was that of herself dressed in the mail of a Suenese Prince holding aloft a large ornate broadsword before legions of cheering soldiers. Among the soldiers, Kalena unbelievingly saw the tall, white forms that were unmistakably Icetigers.

  ‘The Krytal has me dreaming heresy!’ Kalena broadcast to all who could hear her mind voice and vaguely through her frightened mind she could hear the vocal roaring of the Hatar in reply. The image stayed steady before her eyes and Kalena quickly shut her eyelids tight against the treason she and the Krytal had conjured in the bowl. Kalena made her hands stop the spinning of the bowl and then made an effort to still herself and her thoughts.

  Kalena focused her hearing on outside sounds and could no longer hear the trumpeting of the Hatar. The surrounding sounds were the normal sounds of the camp.

  Internally, Kalena could feel the thought traffic as Flyers and Hatar talked to each other about their outburst. And she could feel the insistent pushing of Adhamh wanting to be heard. Kalena quickly opened the mind blocks that she had instinctively raised after her mental outburst.

  ‘What happened, Kalena are you well?’ Adhamh’s voice rushed into her mind and Kalena found her fears were quieted with his presence. But she still kept her eyes closed.

  ‘Adhamh, please apologize to the others. I did not mean to disturb them,’ Kalena said hastily. So much for her childish self control. ‘I had a bad daydream from the fire.’

  ‘That I will tell them, but what really happened?’

  Adhamh knew there was something else. Kalena knew she could keep nothing secret across their link. Kalena told him what had happened. Adhamh listened silently and Kalena found comfort in his silence.

  ‘The Krytal presented this vision to you?’ Adhamh finally asked.

  Kalena gave him a mental nod. ‘It stole my daydreams like a dream thief and replaced them with its own.’

  ‘Then I think we should go to Daegarouf if we can. I am sure that the Pydarki are very knowledgeable and I have heard tales of experiences such as yours being attributed to the Pydarki Mystics.’

  Kalena latched onto Adhamh’s words.

  ‘Will the Pydarki see us?’ she asked.

  ‘Who can tell? But as we are going North and will be passing close to Daegarouf anyway...’ Adhamh let the rest of his thought drift away unvoiced.

  Kalena knew what the Hatar meant. There would be many long patrols and one of theirs could drift in the direction of the Pydarki’s mountain.

  ‘Thanks Adhamh. I’ll be fine now, the fright is gone.’

  Kalena suddenly felt a pressure on her shoulder.

  ‘Adhamh, I have to go, I’m wanted.’ Kalena then broke contact with the Hatar.

  She opened her eyes and was glad to see only the wooden bowl cradled between her hands, nothing more. Kalena slowly moved her eyes upwards to see Harada standing before her, a bowl of hot stew in one hand, the other rested on her shoulder.

  “You look as pale as a ghost. Are you well?”

  Kalena smiled up at Harada to cover her shock. “It has just been a long day. Captain Vosloo has my mind spinning with curiosity.”

  Harada dropped down onto his haunches, his hand still lingered over her shoulder as if loathe to leave it.

  “I would wait until the Captain arrives before saying anything Kalena. I would advise not to mention anything that is discussed with outsiders. It would be dangerous.”

  “Dangerous, why?”

  “You will find out when the Captain arrives. In the meantime have something to eat.” Harada handed Kalena his brimming bowl in exchange for her empty one.

  Chapter nine

  Some Secrets revealed

  THE QUARTER MOON HAD risen high into the night sky when the Captain walked unescorted into their firelight. Harada and Kalena were the only people seated by the fire. The others had long ago retired to their bedrolls.

  Kalena noticed that Tayme lingered the longest, but Kalena pointedly ignored him and stayed close to Harada. That was one distraction she did not need right now. Tayme understood that dalliance was not allowed while on campaign.

  “I see that everyone is tucked away for the night,” the Captain said in way of greeting.

  “Good Evening Vosloo,” Harada replied holding his hand out before him. Fraser Vosloo grasped it warmly. “You take a risk walking unguarded through the camp with Inman about.”

  “Inman wouldn’t dare do anything to me with an entire camp of witnesses to see, that includes the Hatar, which he is scared shitless of.” Vosloo then scooped up Gwidion’s saddle an
d moved it closer to Kalena and Harada by the fire.

  Kalena looked from one man to the other, amazed at the casual conversation between them. Especially since it concerned a Justicar. She then looked about their camp, trying to see if anyone was nearby. Not seeing anyone, Kalena still decided to have an early warning in place.

  ‘Adhamh are you awake?’

  ‘Yes, but only just,’ the Hatar replied in a voice muffled in sleep.

  ‘Can you keep an eye on our camp from where you are?’

  There was a moment of silence but Kalena could sense over the link that Adhamh was moving.

  ‘Yes, if I sit up, I can see you. Ah, I see Harada and the good Captain are with you as well.’

  ‘He’s late. I just want to know if you can warn me if we are to be disturbed by anyone,’ Kalena spoke hurriedly.

  ‘Of course,’ was Adhamh’s reply.

  Their conversation took only moments and Kalena turned her attention back to her companions as Captain Vosloo seated himself on Gwidion’s saddle next to the Flight Commander.

  Harada picked up the cup they had set out for Vosloo and filled it with a drink from their wineskin. He then handed the cup to Vosloo.

  “Here, this should warm you up. I will warn you beforehand that it is a little strong.”

  The Captain took a small sip from the cup and let the liquor loll over his tongue. Suddenly his eyes widened and Kalena could see the muscles of his throat constrict as he tried quickly to swallow his mouthful. Once the liquid was gone, the Captain then sat with his mouth open drawing cool air over his tongue.

  “By The One Harada. Who made this metal stripper?” Vosloo finally panted, but a grin of delight played about his lips.

  “One of my Wingmen, though he’s recently changed the recipe. It’s a little too sweet for my taste,” Harada returned the Captain’s grin.

  “You will have to gift me a skin of it before I leave. Perhaps next time I should slip some into Inman’s and Videan’s cups.” After this comment, the Captain’s face suddenly sobered. “Inman invited me and some of my officers to share meat in his tent tonight to discuss what the armies are to do once we reach Foxtern. The little shit acts like he is in charge since the Colonel went ahead to Foxtern.” The Captain looked down into the contents of his cup as he began to swirl it around.

  “This is the reason I am late. Inman kept trying to bait me with every question. The man would kill his own mother if he thought it would get me in the Star Chamber.” Vosloo took another slow sip from his cup and his face quickly lost its warmth.

  “I would give nearly everything I own to have Inman at my mercy. Then I could get the proof I need-.”

  “Fraser, I know,” Harada quickly cut into Vosloo’s venom. “Remember, your sister and I virtually grew up together.”

  It was then that Kalena realized how much she really did not know about Harada Thurad-Kalar. That he was part of the royal family was a fact but he was also Kalarthri. Kalena had assumed that he had lost all of his family connections (except Garrick) when the Provost came for him as had happened with the other Kalar.

  Kalena sat back on her saddle and looked up again to the stars. They were so beautiful and she always wondered what they were. Looking at the stars made Kalena realize just how little experience she had with the world outside the Wing.

  “We better get down to business Harada. I need to get some sleep tonight and Kalena’s got us out early tomorrow morning.” Vosloo smiled as he put his cup down. He then turned and caught Kalena’s eye as he did that afternoon but he still talked directly to Harada.

  “I think it's time we start to set things in motion. I talked privately with Garrick while at Darkon and he has put the decision to go ahead with the operation in my hands. After what he had told me and what I have seen of Kalena here, I know it is time we progress forward.”

  “So Garrick has told you what father’s whore has been up to,” Harada hissed through gritted teeth.

  “In so far that she has gained the support of the Provost Justicar in her fight for control with Garrick. She’s also trying to pass that pregnancy of hers off as the Emperors when everybody knows they haven’t slept together in months.”

  “But what has all this to do with me?” the words jumped suddenly from Kalena’s mouth, surprising her. The conversation, though interesting, was making her feel a little uncomfortable. Especially after her vision. Both implied treason, and the thought began to form in Kalena’s mind that her vision might have shown her the truth after all.

  “This has everything to do with you Kalena. But as yet we cannot tell you everything. Garrick should be the one to tell you the final truth but you’re just not ready to hear it yet.” Harada sat back in his saddle and rubbed a callused hand through his hair. “But what I can tell you is that Felian is trying to have father disown Garrick in favor of her unborn child. She has the support and help of the Provost Justicar who has been lobbying the Emperor for years to have greater powers to ‘gather information’.” Harada spat the phrase out as if something distasteful had touched his tongue.

  “Garrick thinks she has promised them a greater share in power if they promise her support. The whore has already begun to do her part by having her own supporters taking over positions as they fall vacant in court. And for some reason father lets her do it!”

  Harada took a deep draft from his cup virtually draining it. His face still looked strained and his brooding eyes looked deep into the heart of the campfire.

  “We would like to know whether you and your wing would support a ‘confrontation’ when it arises Kalena,” Vosloo said quietly, his eyes had never left Kalena’s face as he spoke.

  “You are asking me if I and my Wing would rebel against the Emperor?” Incredulously, Kalena looked from one face to the other.

  “No, we are asking if you would help our Emperor keep his throne. Because if Felian gathers enough power to herself, she will not think twice about killing the Emperor or Prince Garrick,” Vosloo replied.

  Kalena’s eyes widened in shock at what Vosloo said. Felian would not dare kill Garrick. From what Kalena saw of her, the woman did not seem capable of it. But Vosloo and Harada implied this is what Garrick himself thinks. Kalena could not bear the thought of Garrick dead and she felt the stirring of anger within herself at the thought that someone else wanted him so.

  Kalena gave both Vosloo and Harada a curt nod.

  “If that’s the case, we will join you. Garrick’s enemies are my enemies.” Kalena scooped up a handful of dirt as she said the ritual phrase, spat on it before thrusting her hand between the two men.

  Both men spat in their own palms and clasped them tightly to Kalena’s.

  The oath was sworn. Inside of her, Kalena thought she could hear the crystal sing.

  Chapter Ten


  KALENA OPENED HER EYES to the pre-dawn light that penetrated the canvas of her tent. She could already feel the promise of heat in the air and by midday, Kalena knew she would wish to be out of her leathers.

  Kalena sat up with a yawn but suddenly stopped mid-stretch when she saw a dark figure sitting hunched up on a pack near the entrance to the tent. The dark form and shape were familiar to her, Kalena had seen it many a time in the light just as this in Darkon.

  “Good Morning Tayme,” she said, not bothering to hide her nakedness as she slipped her legs from under the covers and then reached across to a bag to grab her clothes.

  “Morning Commander,” Tayme said as Kalena plucked a linen shirt from the clothes pile. She pulled it efficiently over her head and quickly tied the laces.

  “So. What is it? I can tell you have something on your mind.” Kalena glanced briefly at Tayme as she spoke. She was busy shaking out her leather trousers before slipping her legs into them.

  Tayme used a finger to open the tent flap a little and carefully surveyed what was going on outside. Kalena could still hear snoring and rustling from other tents but there was no noise of anyone moving abo
ut outside yet. Tayme was the only officer out of their tent.

  Satisfied that they would not be interrupted, Tayme carefully picked his way through Kalena’s gear to sit on the groundsheet across from her.

  “I heard what was discussed last night Kalena. I would not be surprised if some of the others heard as well. Harada should learn to keep his voice down.”

  Kalena shrugged herself into her jacket and glared across the tent at Tayme. Now that he was close, she could pick out his features in the diffused morning light. Tayme’s hair was still ruffled from sleep and from what she could see of his eyes, looked as if he had no sleep at all. Tayme ran his thumb and forefinger over his lips as he waited for her to say something. A gesture he had grown up with. It was a habit he used when nervous.

  ‘Adhamh, why did you not tell me? You were supposed to tell me if someone was listening. Trar wouldn’t help herself in telling you all about what she and Tayme heard. The big gossip.’

  Kalena felt more worried than angry. If Tayme and a few of the others had heard, what if they decided not to support her when the need arises? What if?... Kalena stopped her thoughts. Thinking about what ifs were a dangerous place to go.

  ‘You only asked me to warn you if you were about to be disturbed, not if anyone was listening to your conversation.’

  Adhamh’s reply was curt. He was right. That was all Kalena had asked of him. She placed her attention again on Tayme who was still sitting quietly, waiting for her to say something.

  Tayme continued looking at her for a few moments more and then sighed. He then shifted a little on the ground as if a different position would make what he was about to voice sound better.

  “I just wanted you to know that I will back you in whatever happens. Everyone knows that Prince Garrick wants to abolish the Second Born rule and the current laws regarding Kalarthri. He is the only chance we Second Borns have of having a life of our own.”